Thursday, April 4, 2013

Unable to attach to the crashing process. A debugger is already attached

Hi All, recently i was trying to debug java script in CRM 2011. I have added debugger; in the java script and enabled script debugging on IE. Getting the debugger prompt window, but after selecting VS2010 to debug, I was unable to debug java script using VisualStudio2010, getting the following error.

I tried using IE developer tool to debug, its working fine. After some analysis & troubleshooting, I came to know that my IE recently upgraded to IE10 by windows updates. I tried uninstalling IE10 updates, it asked for system reboot. After the reboot, IE degraded to IE9 and i was able to debug javascript using VisualStudio :)

 It looks like a bug in IE10. Hope Microsoft will resolve soon!!!

Hope it helps!!!


  1. Run a command prompt as Administrator and paste this little gem into the command line:

    regsvr32.exe "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VS7Debug\msdbg2.dll"

    1. Manoj, Thanks for the solution!

    2. Thats really good solution ,thanks for the both manoj and guru prasad .

      Dynamics CRM Developers

  2. Thank you very Manoj.... problem solved.
